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Surgical Skills

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Minor Surgery in General Practice

Course Date: 
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - 08:45 to 16:00
Fully Booked
Course Category: 

Minor Surgery in General Practice

FACULTY - Michael R Clinch, GP Principal
Shona Ogilvie, Dermatology teaching lead
Findlay Davies, GP
Taimur Khan, GP


This course is accredited by the Royal College of General Practitioners

VENUE: Surgical Skills Centre, Level 5, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee.

This practical surgical skills workshop is ideally suited to all primary care team members: GPs, GPSI’s, GP registrars, GP Trainers and Practice nurses involved in basic surgical procedures.

The Primary Care Surgical Skills Course provides hands-on experience using synthetic and tissue models, videos with practical tuition from experienced tutors. It will utilise online pre-course learning material to maximise time spent on practical activities.

Programme Includes

  • Safe usage of surgical instruments
  • Punch biopsies, shaving & curettage
  • Local anaesthetic infiltration
  • Elliptical excision of simple lesion
  • Excision of Epidermoid Cyst
  • Excision of Lipoma
  • Wound Closures with:- Interrupted sutures, Vertical mattress suture, Inverted Interrupted suture and Continuous subcuticular suture

TCGP - The Assistant Director of GP Postgraduate Education for East and South-East Scotland has confirmed that TCGP no longer exists and trainees, if wishing to attend the course, would have to apply for the course through study leave, through your TPD who would consider your application and request for funding, the trainee may have to partially or fully self fund depending on other use of study leave.