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Clinical Skills
Surgical Skills

Learn. Practise. Perform.


Undergraduate Programmes


The Theatre Etiquette Course runs as part of the 3rd year Transition Block. It aims to give every students the insight into the safe practices within the theatre setting. It also introduces them to the various roles of the theatre team and provides them with the skills and knowledge required to be a safe and effective member of that theatre team at their stage of training. It includes sessions on Moving & Handling, Scrubbing, Gowning & Gloving.


Duration: 1 day as part of Transition Block

Aim: Introduce formal, consistent and reproducible teaching of core surgical skills and safe practice into the curriculum at the beginning of clinical attachments.

Learning objectives:  Surgical knots, handling instruments. suturing, local anaesthetic technique, clinical scenarios, diathermy, endoscopy


This is a course originally and principally designed in Surgical Skills Centre of DIHS for biomedical engineering students to learn techniques and instrumentation in surgical environments. Students are provided with knowledge and understanding of surgical and medical instrumentation as well as workflow and ergonomics in operating theatres. The aim of this course is to generate a knowledge base for the students which allows them to understand the technology and methods applied in the surgical environment of a hospital. The course covers a wide range of surgical technologies and surgical technics with emphasis on detailed knowledge of surgical and medical technologies and their clinical application, knowledge of workflow and ergonomics in operating theatres, a range of skills which are associated with the design of an operating theatre, skills in the usage of surgical technology.

The module is taught through a combination of lectures, tutorials and practical sessions. Students receive feedback on their understanding during tutorials and as part of the assessment of reports they have to prepare for the laboratory sessions. The scheduled contact time is 60 hours (40%) with 90 hours (60%) time in guided independent study including the completion of assessment tasks.

The learning outcomes of the module is assessed through coursework (40%) and one class test (60%). Students write a coursework on a selected topic related to the syllabus. The coursework is used to assess their understanding of the syllabus as well as the skills which they acquired during the practical sessions. The class test is in accordance to the syllabus and is aimed to assess the student’s understanding of the theory and the applications covered in lectures and laboratory sessions.

The first course was run in 2017 and was given 100% excellent feedback. Some students commented it “the best module amongst the modules in the year”.