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Dundee Advanced Rhinoplasty Course

Course Leads: Richard Green & Rohit Gohil
Target audience: Surgical trainees (Registrar; Fellow), Non-training Grade and Consultant
This 3 day course, using thiel embalmed cadaveric specimens’ provides a comprehensive educational opportunity in rhinoplasty, from initial consultation, through surgery, to post-operative care, covered using tutorials, lectures, technique demonstrations & case workshops. 
Programme Overview:
Lectures & objective setting followed by practical exercises  
Soft tissue dissection
Septoplasty, hump reduction, osteotomies
Graft harvesting & preparation 
Reconstruction principles 
Spreader grafts & spreader flaps 
Septal extension graft 
Lateral crural strut graft; lateral crural graft; alar rim grafts 
(floating and possibly articulating)
Dorsal graft
Tip suturing
Learning outcomes
How to assess and manage patients for septorhinoplasty
To understand the principles of a safe and step wise approach to septorhinoplasty
To understand the incision and soft tissue dissection of an open approach, including soft tissue work and skin closure
How to assess for a hump and the surgical steps to reducing this. 
To understand the placement and use of osteotomies.  
To know the different tip modification techniques without grafting – i.e. suturing techniques; expanding to tip modification through grafting  
How to perform an extracorporeal septoplasty 
Gravting and harvesting cartilage (conchal and rib) 
How to perform surgery to the middle third of the nose – spreader grafts, spreader flaps.  
How to perform dorsal, alar and columellar grafting 
To understand the alternatives to open approach (closed approach; tip delivery) 
The principles of photo documentation in rhinoplasty and pre and post operative care