Course Date:
Thursday, September 7, 2023 - 08:45 to Friday, September 8, 2023 - 13:00
Fully Booked
Course Category:
Fundamentals of Transurethral Resection and Ureteroscopic Skills using animal and human Cadaveric models.
Course Faculty;
Course Director Amit Kalpee - Ninewells Hospital and Perth Royal Infirmary
Mr Abhilash Cheriyan - Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Mr Mustafa Nandwani- Ninewells Hospital
Mr Benjie Tang - Ninewells Hospital
Mr Mohsin Uddin - Ninewells Hospital/Perth Royal Infirmary
Mr Ewan Kennedy - Ninewells Hospital/Perth Royal Infirmary
This course has been awarded 9 CPD points from the RCSEd and has been successfully running for many years.
This is a one and a half day practical course, ideal for Urology Trainees who are already undertaking or about to start training in endoscopic urology.
The emphasis during the course will be hands-on training mainly on restructured animal tissue models and also Thiel embalmed human cadavers, whilst the relevant key clinical elements will be addressed by the experts in the subject areas. The course will be taught by consultant urologists. The atmosphere is relaxed and informal, allowing easy exchange of ideas and experiences.
Programme includes:
Anatomy, equipment and technique for Ureteroscopy
Anatomy, equipment and techniques for TURP and TURT
Expert sessions
Hands on exercise on ureteroscopy, stone extraction and stent insertion
Hands on exercise using the animal tissue models for ureteroscopy
Safe use electrosurgery
Hands on exercises using validated restructured tissue models for TURP, TURT
Hands on exercises for TURP and Ureteroscopy on human cadavers (preserved with Thiel method)
Close supervision and immediate feedback from expert
Discussion on results, common errors, and complications of TURP, TURT, and Ureteroscopy
Feedback from delegates who attended the course in 2024;
"I would like to say one of the workshops ever... Thank you so much for arranging for us."
"The most important thing I learned from this event is how to assemble instruments, what are indications and techniques to use URS and TUR and insights from clinical practice, different techniques of stone extraction."
"I liked the laid back atmosphere, lots of practical surgical training, the seminars were short and on point, the tutors were so helpful and staffs in the Lab were happy to help!"
The University of Dundee is currently the leading centre in the UK using Thiel embalmed cadavers, thanks to the pioneering work of its Centre of Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID.) for more information on our Thiel courses.